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Java Training in Chennai
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Our Java course focuses on building a strong foundation in Java programming language. Students learn object-oriented programming, data structures, and GUI development. Practical projects help them develop real-world Java applications. Our Java Training in Chennai is offered with complete hands-on exposure and industry-recognized certification to work for top companies efficiently.
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Java Course Syllabus
iSoft has framed Java Course Syllabus by industry experts to provide the best Java Course in Chennai. The Java programming language is a widely-used language known for its platform independence, robustness, and versatility. A typical syllabus for a Java course may cover the following topics:
Module 1: Introduction to Java
- Introduction to programming and Java
- Setting up the development environment
- Writing and running Java programs
- Basic syntax and data types
- Variables, expressions, and statements
- Input and output operations
Module 2: Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP)
- Classes, objects, and methods
- Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
- Access modifiers and constructors
- Method overloading and overriding
- Exception handling
Module 3: Control Flow and Collections
- Conditional statements (if, else, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Iteration and control flow techniques
- Arrays and ArrayLists
- Introduction to Java collections framework
- Handling collections (List, Set, Map)
Module 4: Java Language Fundamentals
- Packages and import statements
- Access control and visibility modifiers
- Java modifiers (static, final, abstract)
- Enumerations and annotations
- Strings and string operations
- Working with dates and times (java.time package)
Module 5: File Handling and I/O Operations
- Reading from and writing to files
- File and directory manipulation
- Serialization and deserialization
- Working with character streams (Reader, Writer)
- Working with byte streams (InputStream, OutputStream)
- Exception handling and error management
Module 6: Java Generics and Lambdas
- Introduction to Java generics
- Generic classes and methods
- Wildcards and bounded types
- Introduction to functional programming
- Lambda expressions and functional interfaces
- Streams and functional programming with Java 8
Module 7: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- Introduction to JDBC
- Connecting to databases
- Executing SQL statements
- Retrieving and manipulating data
- Handling transactions and connections
- Working with database metadata
Module 8: Java Servlets and JSP
- Introduction to Java Servlets
- Servlet life cycle and request handling
- Servlet mapping and configuration
- Introduction to JavaServer Pages (JSP)
- JSP directives, actions, and scripting elements
- JavaBeans and JSP expression language (EL)
Module 9: Web Application Development with Spring MVC
- Introduction to Spring Framework
- Spring MVC architecture and components
- Configuring Spring MVC with annotations
- Handling requests and responses
- Form handling and validation
- Introduction to Spring Boot
Module 10: Project Development
- Working on a complete Java project
- Applying the learned concepts and techniques
- Collaboration and version control (e.g., Git)
- Testing and debugging strategies
- Project deployment and documentation
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This Course Includes
- FREE Demo Class
- 0% EMI Loan Facilities
- FREE Softskill & Placement Training
- Tie up with more than 500+ MNCs & Medium Level Companies
- 100% FREE Placement Assistance
- Course Completion Certificate
- Training with Real Time Projects
- Industry-Based Coaching By MNC IT Professionals
Certificate Sample
We have Tie-Ups with 300+ Leading IT and MNC Companies
iSOFT is the leading Software Training Institute in Chennai that offers top trending courses with an experimental learning experience. The student can enroll for regular classroom or instructor-led online mode for the selected course after a deep discussion with our career counselors.
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